10 Ways To Make Money Online Without Scam, No Investment

10 Ways To Make Money Online Without Scam, No Investment

11 Ways To Make Money Online In India 2020 (Without Scam, No Investment)

1. Become a Freelancer

If you are a good programmer, designer or marketer then you can find a lot of paid online jobs in India. You just need to be patient and willing to learn more.

You need to have two skills to become a good freelancer. One is your core skill, and the second skill is marketing. If you are not a good marketer, then seek help from an experienced marketer to make your profile. You have to have excellent communication skills to get clients.

2. Learn Stock Market Trading

You don’t need any money to start a freelance work but you would need a little money to start your career as a stock trader.

You can earn money online by doing stock trading if you know how to pick the right stock. You need a demat & trading account to start trading.

I must make you aware that you may lose money in stock trading so better to start with less money and invest more time in learning the basics of stock trading.

Discount brokers are best for intraday trading as they charge fix brokerage up to Rs 20/trade irrespective of trade volume. 

3. Become a Consultant

You can sell your advice and knowledge to many people. You don’t have to be a super expert in one domain to become a consultant or teacher, you just have to be better than your student or client.

Anyone with a core competitive skill can become a consultant and find clients online. For example, if you are a legal or finance professional, then you can make your website, and start attracting clients online.

Don’t expect to make quick money without having skills.

4. Earn Online Money from YouTube

You might not know that people are making millions from youtube. Again, not an easy option, but very much doable for anyone who can record & upload videos on a particular topic.

Two kinds of people can make successful YouTube channels, one who make funny & entertaining videos, second who can make highly helpful videos for a niche audience (like students, mothers, housewives, tech geeks).

5. Make Money from Facebook, Instagram

There is no limit on the earning potential through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Hey, I am not cracking jokes. There are people out there who charge as much as 20,000 rupees for just one tweet or Facebook post. Now close your mouth, it’s true.

The social media fan base is an asset for such people, most of them are in the entertainment domain. People related to fashion and entertainment domain can monetize their Instagram page. You can check the fan base of BhakSala, Gabbar Singh and StoryPick, and you can imagine how valuable those can be for any company who want to advertise on such pages.

6. Buy & Sell Domains

You may not know but you can rent your website if you have good traffic. I learned this method of making online income when I was working with a client in the real estate domain. Rather than building out his website from scratch, he rented out a website from a guy who already had the traffic, with people interested in buying a home in his local area.

7. Income from Writing Work

If you like writing, then just start it. There are many experts available online who are willing to teach you write good copies.

Trust me, many companies are looking for good writers but it is difficult to find writers who write well. You can be the next one. A good writer charges between 5,000 Rs to 20,000 Rs per article.

8. Start Blogging to Earn Money Online

You can make money from your writing skills in two ways.

  • Write to someone and make money immediately
  • Write for yourself and make money slowly, but consistently

That is the difference between a freelance job and owning a business. Your blog can be your online business, it will take some time to build your audience. But once you start earning money from blog, then your blog generate money even when you are sleeping.

9. Start a Product Startup

You have to work hard to make a product that customers want to buy. The whole process of starting a product company, hiring a team, selling the product is very exciting.

There is a big market in personal finance space, you can start a company or blog to facilitate loans people with low credit score, or providing a credit limit to people with a high credit score.

There are many use cases in India, UK and USA to explore further.

10. Open a Digital Store (Shopify, Woo-Commerce or Marketplaces)

You must be having some products in mind to sell on an online store – it could be electronics, designer jewellery or handkerchiefs.

You should start with

  • validating idea,
  • set up the store,
  • procuring products and
  • finding customers.

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